Hi and thank-you for taking the time to read my blog.
I initially wanted to start on New Years Day- but that was not panning out very well. So I gave myself a good talking to....YEAH!!!
I have never done a juice feast before or a fast of any kind; so I am taking this step by step. Now I have given this some very careful thought before eventually committing myself. I have taken the time to educate myself with whats involved in a juice feast and have decided to do 30 days instead of my initial thought of 92! If 30 days goes well- and it will! Then I will be ready for March and join the world extend it to reap the full benefits of cleansing/re-hydrating/re-building/re-energising/alkalizing and detoxing my body.
Here I intend to share with you all, my thoughts/feelings/my juices/ as my detox story unfolds.
Thank you so much for your support.