Had a lot of last minute shopping to do, so had 2 L of greens juice to tank me up!
I walked a lot today, grabbing juices along the way. There was so much choice available that it kept me curios to see how each one would affect my body and moods. I realized that carrots and beetroot perked me up instantly so I would level the energy out by adding more dark greens to my juices. I also kept on taking my supplements as I know that flying depletes the body of so many minerals and nutrients. Water was of upmost importance gievn the climate in s.paulo.
My no2's were back with avengance! Never been so happy to see that. ;)
Thought: i could definately keep this up, my body feels renewed and energized. I feel clean and light, at times I could feel my bodies vibration; as if my energy was spiralling upwards mmmmm this is a good feeling! I experienced this in my Reiki training.
My crew were very interested in my juice-feasting, which was great for the support; and it gave me the opportunity to talk about what I was doing incl all health benefits; 3 of the crew told me they felt inspired to start a detox after this trip. Of coarse I encouraged them....and gave them the web-site address.....