I awoke this morning to a runny nose!! I still didn't want to get out of bed...mmm a definate sign of detoxing.....good good then its working even though the signs so far are few and far between.
My mood and energy levels were good. I do feel more positive in general, and I seem to be day-dreaming a whole lot. No cravings today....although i was thinking about food a lot as my niece had been to Los Angeles and had finally brought me items on my Wholefoods shopping list! and of course they were items that are not allowed on the Juice Feast :-( Still only one bowel movement today...am trying to source some Sagrada Cascara and hemp oil! I'm looking to include them into my Juices next week along with some supplements..and especially looking forward to my coconuts arriving..yeah....http://www.coconutty.com
Today I consumed:
warm water/cayenne pepper/lemon/
cucumber/celery/pear/apple/romaine/ginger/lemon/red pepper
I'm so proud of myself.... :-)